Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Premiere UND Sustainable Energy Event, Cleantech 2011, Issues Call for Abstracts

PRLog (Press Release)– Mar 12, 2011– Grand Forks, ND  -- Premiere UND sustainable energy event, Cleantech 2011, issues call for abstracts

The Cleantech 2011 Workshop and Action Summit, which will be held June 19-21 at the Ale alfa romeo rus Center in Grand Forks, is now accepting abstracts for breakout session p dodge resentations. Technical presentations in all areas of clean technology, sustainable and renewable energy, and energy conservation are solicited. Business related presentations in the areas of venture capital and angel investments in energy technologies, and doing business on native lands are also encouraged. For a full session list and details on submission, please visit the conference Web site:

http://theresearchcorridor.com/sunrise/index.html ;

Cleantech 2011 is a unique combination of events designed to foster and promote sustainable energy-related technology centers. It is hosted by two University of North Dakota-based groups—the Sustainable Energy Research Initiative and Supporting Education (SUNRISE) program and the Center for Innovation.

"This event will showcase sustainable energy research groups in North Dakota and nearby states. A great deal of technology development is occurring in our part of the country," said Dr. Wayne Seames, professor of chemical engineering in the UND School of Engineering and Mines and director of North Dakota SUNRISE the Program; Seames is the Cleantech event chair.

The National Science Foundation EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) program and the Red River Valley Research Corridor Coordinating Center are the primary sponsors of Cleantech 2011 which is being hosted by ND SUNRISE and the UND Center for Innovation.

The Cleantech 2011 program includes nationally known cadillac expert speakers, breakout sessions, and panel discussions focusing on technology, business development, and energy center development.

Technology-centered sessions will examine the latest developments in renewable fuels, wind/solar energy concentration and conversion, fixed power systems, conservation, and novel energy technologies. Other sessions will cover establishing relationships with minority serving institutions, partnering with tribal colleges and businesses, and working with national laboratories. Networking sessions and energy center information booths will connect technology development groups with investors and companies interested in clean technology commercialization.

Details: Registration is open for Cleantech 2011. Cost: $175 for full, regular participants; $30 for students. To register for Cleantech 2011 or learn more about participation and sponsorship opportunities visit http://theresearchcorridor.com/sunrise/index.html

A limited number of fellowships are available for participants from EPSCoR jurisdictions, minority-serving institutions, and tribal colleges.

Why participate in Cleantech? Develop relationships/connections with researchers at other institutions, gain knowledge and experience in formulating and planning major energy research programs, and establish a network of commercial technology-enabling entities and technology end user companies that are an important and necessary component of major research centers.

About ND SUNRISE (Sustainable Energy Research Initiative and Supporting Education): ND SUNRISE is a student-centered, faculty-organized supercluster consisting of 35 faculty in 13 academic departments at the University of North Dakota, North Dakota State University, and Mayville State University. ND SUNRISE research focuses on three areas: the technologies to enable the environmentally sustainable use of coal, the production of fuels, chemicals, polymers, and composites from renewable sources, and the harvesting of energy from diffuse sources (wind/solar/hydrogen).

About the UND Center for Innovation: The Center for Innovation at the University of North Dakota provides assistance to innovators, entrepreneurs, and researchers to launch new ventures, commercialize new technologies, and secure access to capital from private and public sources.

Useful links: ND SUNRISE see www.und.edu/org/sunrise/index.html UND Center for Innovation www.innovators.net

Contact: Tiffany Roberts, Cleantech Program Coordinator, UND Center for Innovation, 701-777 3132, tiffany@innovator audi s.net

Juan Miguel Pedraza, National Media Relations Coordinator, UND Office of University Relations, 701-777-6571 office 701-740-1321 cell, juanpedraza@mail.und.edu

Contact: Tiffany Roberts UND Center for Innovation Grand Forks, ND 701-777-3132 tiffany@innovators.net http://theresearchc orridor.com/sunrise/index.html

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